THE Refurbishers List

The Refurbisher List is an online community on Google Groups where people interested in electronics device refurbishment, repair, and electronics recycling can get to know each other, talk shop, and find out about the news in the refurbishment industry.

Created by Jim Lynch in 2005, it is the largest and longest-running email list on the Internet for computer refurbishers.

The list has more than 400 active members.



To join the list log into your Google account. If you don't have an account, you will need to create one to use the list.

Once you are logged into your account, go here:

You will see a link at the top that says "Ask to join group". Click to join.

After clicking on the link you will be presented with an application form. Fill out the form.

Applications to join the list are reviewed manually. Approval might take a few days.

To post a message via email use

To post a message online, go to and click on 'New Conversation'. This page is also where you go to search topics or view members.

To edit your subscription, you will need to create a Google Account (if you don't already have one) by going to:

To manage your subscription to the list go to

You can choose to get each message via email as they're posted, a weekly email digest of posts or no emails at all.

You can unsubscribe from this group by going to and clicking on 'Leave group'.


The Refurbishers List is primarily for the noncommercial exchange of information and is not intended as a platform for the sale or marketing of goods or services.

New members are moderated by the owners to try and guard against people spamming the list. Moderated members' posts must be approved by the owners.

Please keep your posts to the list concise and on the topic of computer refurbishment or repair. It's fine to ask questions, or be social, but be aware that it's a public place on the Internet and hundreds of people are receiving your messages.

Please don't attack or 'flame' anyone on the list. Keep your messages civil and considerate.

On posts that do involve sale or trade on the list, as soon as possible take the conversation off the list to complete transactions. Once again, list emails go to hundreds of people, so if it's a conversation between two people move it to phone or private email quickly.